
Enduro 1.41.1 blog/Generator & admin problem

Ezra-Siton-UIX opened this issue · 2 comments

ver: 1.4.41 | windows7 | npm version: 3.10.10 | node v6.11.2
TOPIC: generators

I don't know if this admin or a general problem.

I follow this tutorial:

See her the final code here:

Everything works great - but I notice weird bug/problem (No compile errors):
When the pagelist name is "blog"(her) (Same as generator folder name)

  1. The admin UI is now without the +add

If i change /pages/blog.hbs to /pages/blog_fix_this_problem.hbs i get rid from problem 1

I want this common structure: [pagelist and post]

  • home > blog
  • home > blog > post1

"site HTML":

Or maybe this is a problem when you have same root "paris" and sub-folder named "paris" (same name)

I find my problem. Still, have a problem with the parent page - I will add this separately.