
After setting up s3 and setting juicebox to true, the enduro command won't run

jmelendev opened this issue · 0 comments

After setting up s3 and setting juicebox to true, i run enduro on the project and this is the message i receive:

┌————————————————————~—setting up s3—~—————————————————————┐
? Input your s3 key ********************
? Input your s3 secret key ****************************************
? What is the s3 bucket name? attic-records
? select s3 region eu-west-1
? Enable juicebox Yes
│ s3 set successfully                                      │
fsconlt8155:test jordan.melendez$ enduro

┌————————————————————~—Enduro started—~————————————————————┐
│ Development server started at:                           │
│     localhost:3000                                       │

│ Admin ui available at:                                   │
│     localhost:5000/admin                                 │
│ Admin has no live-reload!                                │
[11:12:54 | +    1.36] developer start

┌——————————————————————~—Juice pull—~——————————————————————┐
fsconlt8155:test jordan.melendez$

Note before i setup s3 the enduro function did run when juicbox was turned on. Am I missing a step that isn't documented yet?