
Graph Coloring - Weighted Vertex Coloring Problem - Monte Carlo Tree Search with automatic selection of Local Search operators during Simulation

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Graph Coloring - Weighted Vertex Coloring Problem - Adaptive Monte Carlo Tree Search

GitHub license

This project proposes an MCTS algorithm for the weighted vertex coloring problem (WVCP) that selects local search operators during the search.

This problem is a variant of the Graph Coloring Problem. Given a weighted graph G = (V, E), the set of vertices V, the set of edges E and let W be the set of weights w(v) associated to each vertex v in V, the WVCP consists in finding a partition of the vertices V in into k color groups S = (V1, ..., Vk) (1 ≤ k ≤ |V|) such that no adjacent vertices belong to the same color group and such that the objective function $f(S) = \sum_{i=1}^{k}\max_{v\in V_i}{w(v)}$ is minimized.

This project is coded in C++ for the calculation part and in Python for the data analysis. This work is related to the article :



To compile this project you need :

Build the project

Clone the project

git clone https://github.com/Cyril-Grelier/gc_wvcp_mcts_adaptive

Go to the project directory

cd gc_wvcp_mcts_adaptive

Load the instances

git submodule init
git submodule update

Create python environment (you can change the python version in scripts/build_python.sh) :

source venv/bin/activate

Import PyTorch :

mkdir thirdparty
cd thirdparty
wget https://download.pytorch.org/libtorch/cpu/libtorch-shared-with-deps-1.11.0%2Bcpu.zip
unzip libtorch-shared-with-deps-1.11.0+cpu.zip

Build and compile the project :


Run the project :

cd build_release
./gc_wvcp --help

Note : The project must be run from the build directory as it will look for the instances in the parent directory.

Prepare jobs for slurm

Note : If you use slurm you may want to compile with (adapt to your cluster) :

srun --partition=SMP-short --exclude=cribbar[041-056] --time=00:10:00 ./scripts/build.sh

Create a folder for slurm output files :

mkdir slurm_output

scripts/generator_to_eval_ls.py (for local search) and scripts/generator_to_eval_mcts.py (for mcts) will generate a file with one job per line. See the scripts for the parameters of the jobs. You can run the scripts with the command :

python scripts/generator_to_eval_ls.py
python scripts/generator_to_eval_mcts.py

This will generate a file to_eval with all the jobs.

If the file is too long for slurm (often more than 1000 lines), split the file :

split -l 1000 -d to_eval to_eval

Edit the slurm array size in slurm_METHOD.sh with the line #SBATCH --array=1-1000 and eventually the time or job name or other parameters.

Then you can submit your job to slurm :

sbatch scripts/slurm_METHOD.sh to_eval

When a job starts, it creates a file output-file-name.csv.running. At the end of the job, the file is renamed by deleting the .running at the end of the name. If all your jobs are done but your file still has the .running then the job crashed (probably not enough time or memory).

When the jobs are done you can check for problems with :

# delete the jobs with no problem (once all your jobs are done)
find output_slurm/name-of-your-job -size 0 -delete
# show the problem
find output_slurm/name-of-your-job -ls -exec cat {} \;
# To list eventual crash
find output_test_slurm -name "*.csv.running" -ls

At the end of the slurm jobs, the last solution is checked with a python script to ensure there is no trouble with the solution.

Data analysis

scripts/xlsx_generator.py takes raw data and converts it to xlsx files (in xlsx_files repertory) with colored best scores and p-value calculation.

Make sure to set all required methods, instances, and output names directly in the script before running it.


We would like to thank Dr. Wen Sun for sharing the binary code of their AFISA algorithm [1] (the AFISA algorithm has been reimplemented from the article, afisa_original), Dr. Yiyuan Wang for sharing the code of their RedLS algorithm [2] (the RedLS algorithm has been reimplemented from the article, redls) and Pr. Bruno Nogueira for sharing the code of their ILS-TS algorithm [3] (some parts of the code has been used and adapted to the implementation of the project, ilsts).


├── build
│   └── build directory use ./scripts/build_release.sh to create
├── docs
│   └── docs directory use ./scripts/build_doc.sh to generate docs
├── instances
│   └── instances from https://github.com/Cyril-Grelier/gc_instances
├── outputs
│   └── all_methods_all_instances.tgz : all results
├── scripts
│   ├── build_doc.sh : build doc
│   ├── build_python.sh : build python
│   ├── build_release.sh : build c++ code
│   ├── run_with_slurm.sh : instruction to run with slurm
│   ├── slurm_ls.sh : slurm script for ls
│   ├── slurm_mcts.sh : slurm script for mcts
│   ├── to_eval_generator_ls.py : prepare jobs for ls
│   ├── to_eval_generator_mcts.py : prepare jobs for mcts
│   └── xlsx_generator.py : prepare xlsx files of results
├── src
│   ├── main.cpp
│   ├── methods
│   │   └── methods to solve the problem
│   ├── representation
│   │   └── Solution Graph and other data representation
│   └── utils
│       └── random and vector functions
├── thirdparty
│   └── download and extract pytorch here
├── venv
│   └── python environment
├── xlsx_files
│   └── all_results_all.xlsx : all results of studied methods
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── README.rst
├── requirements.txt
└── tbt_mcts.ipynb : generate plots of the execution