
This extension adds Open Graph markup to your pages.

@tik Facebook Open Graph Markup


If you have your marketing in order, then Facebook is probably a major traffic driver to your store.

One problem I've always found with sharing URLs on Facebook is that you have no control over the image and description text that accompany the URL. In fact, I find that for most OpenCart stores, Facebook tries to grab only the shop logo or another irrelevant image.

This extension solves the issue. If you share your store's category or product page's URL then Facebook will pick up the category image and primary product image respectively.

On most stores that I have implemented this extension on, incoming traffic from Facebook has increased between 150% and 250%!! (your milage may vary)

Why? Primarily because photos attract people and invite them to click.

In addition to tagging the image, this extension will also add other relevant Open Graph markup to make your store social-media friendly.

Because this is a vQmod, no core files are touched, and the changes should carry over to the next version.

Documentation and Support