
This is a project that was built with Jade

Primary LanguageJava


Collaboration : GousosGas && eviliana

This is a project we developed during our MSc course “Multi-Agent Systems” using JADE framework in NetBeans IDE.

The project simulates a market where agents can buy and sell jewelries. It is based in the classic book-trading example in JADE and provides features like a GUI environment for each agent using Swing with drop down lists (with predifined items), auction creation with specific duration (provided by user), multiple buyer/seller agents creation within the main container etc.

On Run, the project is initialized with two agent instances, a seller and a buyer, but more can be added on runtime. If you wish to run the application without the agents, remove the arguments “BuyerA:jewel.buyer.JewelBuyerAgent”;”SellerA:jewel.seller.JewelSellerAgent” after –gui on Project Properties -> Run

Here's a preview of two GUI agents SellerA and BuyerA with CFP protocol initiated:
