KiranaStore Backend Service

This backend service provides APIs for managing employees, products, and sale orders in the KiranaStore application.

System Requirements

Ensure that you have the following prerequisites installed on your system:

  • Java 11 or later
  • Maven
  • SpringBoot

How to Run

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
cd Backend-KiranaStore
  1. Open the src/main/resources/ file and configure your own database settings:
  1. Run the application using Maven:
mvn spring-boot:run
  1. Before accessing any API, generate data in tables for employees and products. After that, make sale orders using the provided API endpoints.

The server will start at localhost:8080, and you can access the API endpoints as described below.

API Endpoints

Admin Controller

Add New Employee

  • Endpoint: /admin/employee/add
  • Method: POST
  • Request Parameters:
    • name: Employee name
    • address: Employee address
    • designation: Employee designation
  • Example Request:
    curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/admin/employee/add \
         -d "name=John Doe" \
         -d "address=123 Main St" \
         -d "designation=Manager"

Get All Employees

  • Endpoint: /admin/employee/all_employee
  • Method: GET
  • Example Request:
    curl http://localhost:8080/admin/employee/all_employee

Product Controller

Add New Order

  • Endpoint: /product/order
  • Method: POST
  • Request Parameters:
    • ID: Product ID
    • name: Product name
    • category: Product category
    • qty: Quantity
    • unitPrice: Unit price
    • currencyType: Currency type
  • Example Request:
    curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/product/order \
    -d "ID=1" \
    -d "name=Product A" \
    -d "category=Electronics" \
    -d "qty=10" \
    -d "unitPrice=50.0" \
    -d "currencyType=USD"

Get All Products

  • Endpoint: /product/all
  • Method: GET
  • Example Request:
    curl http://localhost:8080/product/all

Filter Products

  • Endpoint: /product/filter
  • Method: GET
  • Request Parameters (Optional):
    • category: Product category
    • id: Product ID
    • productName: Product name
    • currencyType: Currency type
    • Example Request:
      curl http://localhost:8080/product/filter?id=1

Sale Controller

Create Sale Order

  • Endpoint: /sale/createOrder
  • Method: POST
  • Example Request:
curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:8080/sale/createOrder \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "empId": 123,
    "customerName": "John Doe",
    "currencyType": "USD",
    "productQuantities": {
        "1": 3,
        "2": 2,
        "3": 1

Get All Sale Orders

  • Endpoint: /sale/all
  • Method: GET
  • Example Request:
curl http://localhost:8080/sale/all

Filter Sale Orders

  • Endpoint: /sale/filter
  • Method: GET
  • Request Parameters (Optional):
    • orderId: Sale order ID
    • currencyType: Currency type
    • customerName: Customer name
    • empId: Employee ID
  • Example Request:
curl http://localhost:8080/sale/filter?orderId=1

System Architecture

System Architecture

Entity Relationship Model
