
FeedbackAI is a project designed to facilitate companies in gathering feedback from users through a Telegram bot.

Primary LanguagePython

FeedbackAI Project


FeedbackAI is a project designed to facilitate companies in gathering feedback from users through a Telegram bot. The system is composed of three main components: the Telegram bot (@timelyai_bot), bot handler and the client application. The bot handlers handles user interactions on Telegram and adds the feedback to a distributed queue for real-time sharing. The client consumes the queue, stores feedback in MongoDB, and displays it to users in real-time through a web interface(socket).


Bot images


  • Telegram Bot (@feedbackai_bot):

    • /start: Initialize the conversation with the bot.
    • /help: Get information about available commands.
    • /about: Learn more about the bot.
    • /stop: Stop the interaction with the bot.
  • Real-time Feedback: User feedback submitted through the bot is added to a distributed queue for instant sharing.

  • Client Application:

    • Stores feedback data in MongoDB.
    • Provides a real-time web interface on 'localhost:5000' using sockets.
    • Displays feedback updates instantly.
    • Access all feedbacks at 'localhost:5000/feedbacks'.
    • Access the live feedbacks at localhost:5000.

Getting Started

To utilize the example bot, you can simply run the client and the bot handler using Docker images. Follow the steps below to get started:

  1. Run the Bot handler by executing the following command in the terminal:

    docker run goutamverma/feedback_handler:latest
  2. Run the client by executing the following command in the another terminal:

    docker run -it -p 5000:5000 goutamverma/feedback_bot_client

Once the Docker images are running, open your browser and visit 'localhost:5000' to access the 'Live Feedback' screen. You can generate feedback using the Telegram bot and see real-time updates on the web interface. To view all feedback, visit localhost:5000/feedbacks.

Running the Project via Code


  • Clone the GitHub repository to your local machine.

  • Obtain a Telegram bot token from @BotFather on Telegram.

  • In the bot directory, create a .env file and set the following values:

    #telegram credentials
    TOKEN = '{Telegram token}'
    BOT_USERNAME = '{Bot username}'
    #rabbitmq credentails
    QUEUE_URI = '{rabbitmq queue URL}'
    QUEUE_PASS = '{queue password}'
    QUEUE_USER = '{queue usename}'
    QUEUE_PORT = '{queue port}'
  • In the client directory, create .env file and set the following values:

    #DB URL along with credentails
    DB_URI = '{mongoDB atlas URL}'
    #rabbitmq credentails
    QUEUE_URI = '{rabbitmq queue URL}'
    QUEUE_PASS = '{queue password}'
    QUEUE_USER = '{queue usename}'
    QUEUE_PORT = '{queue port}'
  • Start the bot handler by running python3 bot/bot.py.

  • Open another terminal, navigate to the client directory, and run python2 app.py.

Once the script start running, visit 'localhost:5000' in your browser to see the 'Live Feedback' screen. Generate feedback using the Telegram bot to see real-time updates on the web interface. To browse the all feedback visit localhost:5000/feedbacks


Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository, create a branch, make your changes, and submit a pull request.