Command Line Installation Setup

Using Shell (macOS and Linux):

curl -fsSL | sh

Using PowerShell (Windows):

iwr -useb | iex

Using Scoop (Windows):

scoop install deno

Using Chocolatey (Windows):

choco install deno

Using Homebrew (macOS):

brew install deno

Using Cargo (Windows, macOS, Linux):

cargo install deno

Direct Download

Deno binaries can also be installed manually, by downloading a zip file at

After installation check in your command line using

deno --version

Check whether you get the following output :

deno 1.0.0
v8 8.4.300
typescript 3.9.2

If you want to download Typescript manually (Optional)

npm install -g typescript

Make sure you have npm library installed for the above code to run

Deno Basic Commands

  • deno --version - For checking the version of Deno
  • deno help - For Deno related help and actions
  • deno run - To run the Deno code and make the server up

Use this extension for VSCode only


Update Dependencies

In order to reload a module or all modules you have to use: --reload

For that module specifically:

deno run --reload= index.js

or just use --reload without any value to reload all modules:

deno run --reload index.js

You can even select a couple of modules if you pass comma separated modules to --reload

deno run --reload=module1,moduleN index.js

Or reload all std modules

deno run --reload= index.js

You can use deno cache instead of deno run too. The former will just download the dependencies, while the former download & run the script.