DE: Dieses Repository beinhaltet die Erweiterung von ckanext-dcat auf die Spezifikation EN: This is a specific CKAN extension for providing and importing data.
- 0
- 0
Duplikatserkennung sollte in Datenbank erfolgen
#30 opened by jze - 0
Fehler in Duplikatserkennung?
#29 opened by jze - 0
Undocumented dcat_licenses_upgrade_mapping
#28 opened by dev-rke - 2
Usage of harvested_portal?
#27 opened by dev-rke - 4
Integration with scheming
#26 opened by dev-rke - 1
DCAT AP categories as groups
#25 opened by dev-rke - 0
Falsche Zuordnung von contactPoint und maintainer
#24 opened by jze - 4
- 3
pyparsing Kompatibilität mit CKAN 2.10
#20 opened by jze - 2
Verweis auf test-core.ini
#17 opened by jze - 1
Zuordnen von Datensätzen zu Herausgebern
#19 opened by jze - 1
dcat:mediaType darf kein Literal sein
#16 opened by jze - 1
themeadder is broken
#18 opened by GordianDziwis - 4
Required ckanext-dcat version
#15 opened by MarijaKnezevic - 0
Validating for GovData harvesting fails
#14 opened by ondics - 5
Python 3 Support
#12 opened by benjaminbecker - 3
- 3
Remove CKAN 2.5.2 Version Fixation
#9 opened by gallexme - 6
Compatibility to CKAN 2.7.x
#1 opened by goldi42 - 2
- 2
Example data set.
#5 opened by bor8 - 2
Remove IDE files from repository
#4 opened by goldi42 - 2
- 1
Rename the requirements file
#2 opened by goldi42