
Public practices of GovReady PBC


P-0 Index of GovReady PBC Practices

Key Details
Practice: 0
Title: Index of GovReady PBC Practices
Last-Modified: 2017-03-11
Author: Greg Elin
Status: Active
Type: Informational
Confidentiality: General public
Created: 05-Mar-2017
Post-History: 06-Nov-2017


This Practice contains the index of all Practices of GovReady PBC. Practice numbers are assigned by the Practice editors, and once assigned are never changed[1].

The Git history[2] of the Practice texts represent their historical record.

Index by Category

Meta-Practices (Practices about Practices or Processes)

num title t status owner
P-19 Interim Risk Management Strategy P Active Elin

Informational Practices

num title t status owner
P-0 Practices Index I Active Elin
P-13 Credential Index I Active Elin

Draft Practices

num title t status owner
P-1 Practices Purpose and Guidelines P Draft Elin


num title t status owner
P-20 Acceptable Use Practices P Active Elin

Technical Standards Practices

None. See [Draft Practices](#draft practices).


Type of Practice

S - Standards Track Practice

I - Informational Practice

P - Process Practice

Updates and Comments ====================

All updates and comments are managed via the govready-pbc-practices repository at https://github.com/GovReady/govready-pbc-practices.

The best way to suggest an update is via pull request. All modifications to this practice are managed via pull requests in order to create a clean modification history.

An alternate way to suggest an update or just share a comment is to create an issue at govready-pbc-practices repository at https://github.com/GovReady/govready-pbc-practices/issues where they can be discussed and changes can subsequently be made via pull requests.

Please include the Practice ID (e.g., "p-20", "p-1") in title of issue.



Copyright 2017, GovReady PBC. All Rights Currently Reserved.