
Terraform module to manage a CosmosDB (formally DocumentDB) with optional resources.

Primary LanguageHCLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

CosmosDB Account Terraform Module

Azure Cosmos DB is a fully managed platform-as-a-service (PaaS). To use Azure Cosmos DB, initially create an Azure Cosmos account and then databases, containers, items under it. This terraform module helps quickly create a CosmosDB account with CosmosDB table, SQL database and SQL Containers resources.

[!NOTE] This module supports the meta arguments including providers, depends_on, count, and for_each.

Resources supported

Module Usage

#Azure provider Configuration
provider "azurerm" {
  features {}

module "cosmosdb" {
  source  = "kumarvna/cosmosdb/azurerm"
  version = "1.0.0"

  # By default, this module will not create a resource group. Location will be same as existing RG.
  # proivde a name to use an existing resource group, specify the existing resource group name, 
  # set the argument to `create_resource_group = true` to create new resrouce group.
  resource_group_name   = "rg-shared-westeurope-01"
  location              = "westeurope"

  # Cosmosdb account details.
  # Currently Offer Type supports only be set to `Standard`
  # Specifies the Kind of CosmosDB to create - possible values are `GlobalDocumentDB` and `MongoDB`
  cosmosdb_account = {
    demo-cosmosdb = {
      offer_type = "Standard"
      kind       = "GlobalDocumentDB"

  # `max_staleness_prefix` must be greater then `100000` when more then one geo_location is used
  # `max_interval_in_seconds` must be greater then 300 (5min) when more then one geo_location is used
  consistency_policy = {
    consistency_level       = "BoundedStaleness"
    max_staleness_prefix    = 100000
    max_interval_in_seconds = 300

  # Configures the geographic locations the data is replicated
  # Location prefix (key) must be 3 - 50 characters long, contain only lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens 
  failover_locations = [
      location          = "westeurope"
      failover_priority = 0
      zone_redundant    = true
      location          = "norwayeast"
      failover_priority = 1
      zone_redundant    = true

  # Azure Cosmos DB automatically takes a full backup of your database every 4 hours
  # Change the default backup interval and the retention period below 
  backup = {
    type                = "Periodic"
    interval_in_minutes = 240
    retention_in_hours  = 8

  # Advanced Threat Protection for Azure Cosmos DB represents an additional layer of protection
  enable_advanced_threat_protection = true

  # Creating Private Endpoint requires, VNet name and address prefix to create a subnet
  # By default this will create a `privatelink.mysql.database.azure.com` DNS zone. 
  # To use existing private DNS zone specify `existing_private_dns_zone` with valid zone name
  # Private endpoints doesn't work If using `subnet_id` to create CosmosDB inside a specified VNet.
  enable_private_endpoint       = true
  virtual_network_name          = "vnet-shared-hub-westeurope-001"
  private_subnet_address_prefix = [""]
  #  existing_private_dns_zone     = "demo.example.com"

  # (Optional) To enable Azure Monitoring for Azure MySQL database
  # (Optional) Specify `storage_account_name` to save monitoring logs to storage. 
  log_analytics_workspace_name = "loganalytics-we-sharedtest2"

  # CosmosDB Firewall Support: Specifies the set of IP addresses / ranges to be included as an allowed list 
  # IP addresses/ranges must be comma separated and must not contain any spaces.
  # Only publicly routable ranges are enforceable through IpRules. 
  # IPv4 addresses or ranges contained in [,,,] not valid.
  # To allow access from azure portal add ["", "", "", "", ""]
  # To allow [] to Accept connections from within public Azure datacenters
  allowed_ip_range_cidrs = [

  # Tags for Azure Resources
  tags = {
    Terraform   = "true"
    Environment = "dev"
    Owner       = "test-user"

Resource Group

By default, this module will not create a resource group and the name of an existing resource group to be given in an argument resource_group_name. If you want to create a new resource group, set the argument create_resource_group = true.


If you are using an existing resource group, then this module uses the same resource group location to create all resources in this module.

key_vault_key_id - Customer-Managed keys with Azure Key Vault

Data stored in your Azure Cosmos account is automatically and seamlessly encrypted with keys managed by Microsoft (service-managed keys). Optionally, you can choose to add a second layer of encryption with keys you manage (customer-managed keys).


Currently, customer-managed keys are available only for new Azure Cosmos accounts. You should configure them during account creation. When referencing an key_vault_key_id in the module, use versionless_id instead of id

consistency_policy - Consistency levels in Azure Cosmos DB

Distributed databases that rely on replication for high availability, low latency, or both, must make a fundamental tradeoff between the read consistency, availability, latency, and throughput as defined by the PACLC theorem. Azure Cosmos DB offers five well-defined levels. From strongest to weakest, the levels are: Strong, Bounded staleness, Session, Consistent prefix, Eventual. The consistency levels are region-agnostic and are guaranteed for all operations regardless of the region from which the reads and writes are served, the number of regions associated with your Azure Cosmos account, or whether your account is configured with a single or multiple write regions.

This option is not enabled by default and can be included in the terraform plan by specifiing following arguments with consistency_policy object.

Name Description
consistency_level The Consistency Level to use for this CosmosDB Account - can be either BoundedStaleness, Eventual, Session, Strong or ConsistentPrefix.
max_interval_in_seconds When used with the Bounded Staleness consistency level, this value represents the time amount of staleness (in seconds) tolerated. Accepted range for this value is 5 - 86400 (1 day). Defaults to 5. Required when consistency_level is set to BoundedStaleness.
max_staleness_prefix When used with the Bounded Staleness consistency level, this value represents the number of stale requests tolerated. Accepted range for this value is 102147483647. Defaults to 100. Required when consistency_level is set to BoundedStaleness.


max_interval_in_seconds and max_staleness_prefix can only be set to custom values when consistency_level is set to BoundedStaleness - otherwise they will return the default values shown above.

geo_location - Distribute your data globally

Azure Cosmos DB is a globally distributed database system that allows you to read and write data from the local replicas of your database. Azure Cosmos DB transparently replicates the data to all the regions associated with your Cosmos account.

This option is not enabled by default and can be included in the terraform plan by specifiing following arguments with failover_locations object.

Name Description
location The name of the Azure region to host replicated data.
failover_priority The failover priority of the region. A failover priority of 0 indicates a write region. The maximum value for a failover priority = (total number of regions - 1). Failover priority values must be unique for each of the regions in which the database account exists. Changing this causes the location to be re-provisioned and cannot be changed for the location with failover priority 0.
zone_redundant Should zone redundancy be enabled for this region? Defaults to false.

capabilities - The capability to enable in the CosmosDB

This option is not enabled by default and can be included in the terraform plan by specifiing capabilities with a valid list of strings. Accepted values are AllowSelfServeUpgradeToMongo36, DisableRateLimitingResponses, EnableAggregationPipeline, EnableCassandra, EnableGremlin, EnableMongo, EnableTable, EnableServerless, MongoDBv3.4 and mongoEnableDocLevelTTL.

backup - Configure periodic backups

Azure Cosmos DB automatically takes a full backup of your database every 4 hours and at any point of time, only the latest two backups are stored by default. If the default intervals aren't sufficient for your workloads, you can change the backup interval and the retention period using bakup object it supports following.

Name Description
type The type of the backup. Possible values are Continuous and Periodic. Defaults to Periodic.
interval_in_minutes The interval in minutes between two backups. This is configurable only when type is Periodic. Possible values are between 60 and 1440.
retention_in_hours The time in hours that each backup is retained. This is configurable only when type is Periodic. Possible values are between 8 and 720.

Recommended naming and tagging conventions

Applying tags to your Azure resources, resource groups, and subscriptions to logically organize them into a taxonomy. Each tag consists of a name and a value pair. For example, you can apply the name Environment and the value Production to all the resources in production. For recommendations on how to implement a tagging strategy, see Resource naming and tagging decision guide.

Important : Tag names are case-insensitive for operations. A tag with a tag name, regardless of the casing, is updated or retrieved. However, the resource provider might keep the casing you provide for the tag name. You'll see that casing in cost reports. Tag values are case-sensitive.

An effective naming convention assembles resource names by using important resource information as parts of a resource's name. For example, using these recommended naming conventions, a public IP resource for a production SharePoint workload is named like this: pip-sharepoint-prod-westus-001.


Name Version
terraform >= 0.13
azurerm >= 2.59.0


Name Version
azurerm >= 2.59.0
random >= 3.1.0


Name Description Type Default
create_resource_group Whether to create resource group and use it for all networking resources string "false"
resource_group_name The name of an existing resource group. string ""
location The location for all resources while creating a new resource group. string ""
cosmosdb_account Manages a CosmosDB (formally DocumentDB) Account specifications map {}
allowed_ip_range_cidrs CosmosDB Firewall Support: This value specifies the set of IP addresses or IP address ranges in CIDR form to be included as the allowed list of client IP's for a given database account. IP addresses/ranges must be comma separated and must not contain any spaces. list(string) []
consistency_policy The Consistency Level to use for this CosmosDB Account - can be either BoundedStaleness, Eventual, Session, Strong or ConsistentPrefix. max_interval_in_seconds and max_staleness_prefix can only be set to custom values when consistency_level is set to BoundedStaleness - otherwise they will return the default values object({}) BoundedStaleness
failover_locations The name of the Azure region to host replicated data and their priority. list(object({})) null
capabilities Configures the capabilities to enable for this Cosmos DB account. Possible values are AllowSelfServeUpgradeToMongo36, DisableRateLimitingResponses, EnableAggregationPipeline, EnableCassandra, EnableGremlin, EnableMongo, EnableTable, EnableServerless, MongoDBv3.4 and mongoEnableDocLevelTTL list(string) null
virtual_network_rules Configures the virtual network subnets allowed to access this Cosmos DB account list(object({})) null
backup Specifies the backup setting for different types, intervals and retention time in hours that each backup is retained map(string) {}
cors_rules Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is an HTTP feature that enables a web application running under one domain to access resources in another domain. object({}) null
managed_identity Specifies the type of Managed Service Identity that should be configured on this Cosmos Account. Possible value is only SystemAssigned string false
enable_private_endpoint Manages a Private Endpoint to Azure cosmosdb account string false
virtual_network_name The name of the virtual network string ""
existing_private_dns_zone Name of the existing private DNS zone string null
private_subnet_address_prefix The name of the subnet for private endpoints list(string) null
enable_advanced_threat_protection Threat detection policy configuration, known in the API as Server Security Alerts Policy. Currently available only for the SQL API string false
storage_account_name The name of the storage account name string null
log_analytics_workspace_name The name of log analytics workspace name string null
cosmosdb_table_name Specifies the name of the Cosmos DB Table string null
cosmosdb_table_throughput The throughput of Table (RU/s). Must be set in increments of 100. The minimum value is 400. This must be set upon database creation otherwise it cannot be updated without a manual terraform destroy-apply number null
cosmosdb_table_autoscale_settings The maximum throughput of the Table (RU/s). Must be between 4,000 and 1,000,000. Must be set in increments of 1,000. Conflicts with throughput. This must be set upon database creation otherwise it cannot be updated without a manual terraform destroy-apply. number null
create_cosmosdb_sql_database Manages a SQL Database within a Cosmos DB Account string false
cosmosdb_sql_database_name Specifies the name of the Cosmos DB SQL database string null
cosmosdb_sqldb_throughput The throughput of Table (RU/s). Must be set in increments of 100. The minimum value is 400. This must be set upon database creation otherwise it cannot be updated without a manual terraform destroy-apply number null
cosmosdb_sqldb_autoscale_settings The maximum throughput of the Table (RU/s). Must be between 4,000 and 1,000,000. Must be set in increments of 1,000. Conflicts with throughput. This must be set upon database creation otherwise it cannot be updated without a manual terraform destroy-apply. number null
create_cosmosdb_sql_container Manages a SQL Container within a Cosmos DB Account string false
cosmosdb_sql_container_name Specifies the name of the Cosmos DB sql container string null
partition_key_path Define a partition key string ""
partition_key_version Define a partition key version. Possible values are 1 and 2. This should be set to 2 in order to use large partition keys number 1
sql_container_throughput The throughput of Table (RU/s). Must be set in increments of 100. The minimum value is 400. This must be set upon database creation otherwise it cannot be updated without a manual terraform destroy-apply number null
sql_container_autoscale_settings The maximum throughput of the Table (RU/s). Must be between 4,000 and 1,000,000. Must be set in increments of 1,000. Conflicts with throughput. This must be set upon database creation otherwise it cannot be updated without a manual terraform destroy-apply. number null
unique_key A list of paths to use for this unique key list(string) null
indexing_policy Specifies how the container's items should be indexed. The default indexing policy for newly created containers indexes every property of every item and enforces range indexes for any string or number object {}
conflict_resolution_policy Conflicts and conflict resolution policies are applicable if your Azure Cosmos DB account is configured with multiple write regions string null
default_ttl The default time to live of SQL container. If missing, items are not expired automatically. If present and the value is set to -1, it is equal to infinity, and items don’t expire by default. If present and the value is set to some number n – items will expire n seconds after their last modified time number null
analytical_storage_ttl The default time to live of Analytical Storage for this SQL container. If present and the value is set to -1, it is equal to infinity, and items don’t expire by default. If present and the value is set to some number n – items will expire n2 seconds after their last modified time number null
Tags A map of tags to add to all resources map {}


Name Description
cosmosdb_id The CosmosDB Account resource ID
cosmosdb_endpoint The endpoint used to connect to the CosmosDB account
cosmosdb_read_endpoints A list of read endpoints available for this CosmosDB account
cosmosdb_write_endpoints A list of write endpoints available for this CosmosDB account
cosmosdb_primary_key The Primary master key for the CosmosDB Account
cosmosdb_secondary_key The Secondary master key for the CosmosDB Account
cosmosdb_primary_readonly_key The Primary read-only master Key for the CosmosDB Account
cosmosdb_secondary_readonly_key The Secondary read-only master key for the CosmosDB Account
cosmosdb_connection_strings A list of connection strings available for this CosmosDB account
cosmosdb_private_endpoint id of the Cosmosdb Account Private Endpoint
cosmosdb_private_dns_zone_domain DNS zone name of Cosmosdb Account Private endpoints dns name records
cosmosdb_private_endpoint_ip CosmosDB account private endpoint IPv4 Addresses
cosmosdb_private_endpoint_fqdn CosmosDB account server private endpoint FQDN Addresses
cosmosdb_table_id The resource ID of the CosmosDB Table
cosmosdb_sql_database_id The resource ID of the CosmosDB SQL Database

Resource Graph


Originally created by Kumaraswamy Vithanala

Other resources