Horizon Tours

horizon LOGO

An amazing tour booking site

build with

NodeJS - JS runtime environment Express - The web framework used Mongoose - Object Data Modelling (ODM) library MongoDB Atlas - Cloud database service Pug - High performance template engine JSON Web Token - Security token webpackJS - Blazing fast, zero configuration web application bundler Stripe - Online payment API Postman - API testing Mailtrap & Sendgrid - Email delivery platform


Review and rating Allow user to add a review directly at the website after they have taken a tour Booking Prevent duplicate bookings after user has booked that exact tour, implement favourite tours Advanced authentication features confirm user email, login with refresh token, two-factor authentication And More ! There's always room for improvement!

How To Use

Book a tour Login to the site Search for tours that you want to book Book a tour Proceed to the payment checkout page Enter the card details (Test Mood):

  • Card No. : 4242 4242 4242 4242
  • Expiry date: 17 / 30
  • CVV: 992

Key Features

Authentication and Authorization Login and logout & Signup Tour Manage booking, check users' reviews and rating User profile Update username, photo, email, and password Credit card Payment Tour invoice send to user