Description This is a simple React application showcasing theming functionality using a custom theme context. Users can toggle between light and dark modes, and the selected theme is applied throughout the app.
Features Theme Switching: Toggle between light and dark modes with a simple button click. Responsive Design: The application is designed to be responsive and work seamlessly across different screen sizes. Technologies Used React.js Context API CSS (Tailwind CSS for styling) How to Use Clone the repository: git clone ( Install dependencies: npm install Run the application: npm start Open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000 to view the app. Credits The project structure and styling are inspired by Tailwind CSS. React for building the user interface. Contributing Feel free to contribute by opening issues or creating pull requests. Your feedback and contributions are highly appreciated!
License This project is licensed under the MIT License. This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.
Currently, two official plugins are available:
- @vitejs/plugin-react uses Babel for Fast Refresh
- @vitejs/plugin-react-swc uses SWC for Fast Refresh