
Website for displaying statistics for goals, assists, games played at the NHL level using NHL stats api

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Depolyed on Heroku


This project was created using :


  • [] login/signup
  • track favorite players in sidebar
    • [] fix bug when going from player page, to another player page
  • add links to sidebar to go back to team
  • add goalie statistics
  • main page with team images
  • list of players with position information
  • [] drop down menu with preview of statistics for each player
  • sort list asc or dsc for based on each field
    • Jersey # ✅
    • PlayerName ✅
    • Position Type ✅
    • Position ✅
  • player page tracking basic stats
  • graph representation of stats
  • [] change stats based on user input that are represented in graph
  • [] user input to include non NHL stats
  • [] theme of player/team page based on team colors
  • [] change type of graph to better represent displayed stats
  • [] mobile friendly

Home Page / Full Teams List

Home Page

Sorting main page per conference, or division

Sorting Main

Each teams player list

Penguins Player List

Statistic for indiviual player

Sidney Crosby Statistic