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Tiny Town is a web application that allows users to build and name neighborhoods that are placed in a city with the neighborhoods of other users. Neighborhood locations are restricted to areas directly adjacent to neighborhoods that have already been created. There are currently 5 types of structures that users can place in their neighborhood: roads, commercial buildings, business buildings, residential buildings, and parks. Users can also demolish any of the structures they would like to before they save their neighborhood. Users can also select the color that they want their building to be before they place it or they can select the option to have their buildings be a random color when placed. In order for a plot to be placed in the city there must be a road running from each side of the neighborhood to the other side in order for the city to connect to itself.
A website that allows users to procedurally generate flowers based parameters they can adjust on a field that is globally shared between users.
Event Listener() is a mobile-first web application that helps users find events using the Ticket Master Discovery API based on their current location or a searched location. Currently Event Listener's functionality is limited to North America.
The Google Book Search Engine is a simple web application built on the MERN Stack that allows users to search for any book that exists on the Google Book Library. Users are also able to save books that they are interested in to their profile so that they can keep track of what books they would like to read.
online-offline-budget-tracker is a progressive web app that allows users to add or subtract money from a budget whether they are online or offline.
The employee tracker application, using a MySQL database, allows a company to perform a number of employee related applications to add to their workforce or or remove from it in an efficient and timely manner.
The e-commerce-back-end application allows the user to view, edit, add to, and delete from their inventory any number of items at any price or stock they choose all without the need of a front end application.
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