Tutorial on how to deploy a Django application on Linux VPS with Apache, NGINX and uWSGI
- alsox42alsox sistemas
- anami-sfDealpath
- andreFSilvaGoiânia, Goiás
- andressamarcalData Specialist at meutudo.
- AyrtonMoises
- brunoaffonso
- Cuda-ChenSeeking for opportunities
- dalijolijo
- david-luk4sContraktor
- diegodnzCIn - UFPE
- diogocssousa
- grammarthurf
- guedesemersonApplaudo Studios
- harrison-santosAlleasy
- henryliangt
- iwenzelw
- JosenetomartinsIndaial
- kelmerpassos
- LGerbatii
- lucian96
- luizdallaVitoria-ES, Brazil
- manguaba-techalsxo5
- marvinbragaRecife, Brazil
- mateusbatista4Unicamp
- matheusosp
- MeninoNias@useflow-app
- Pao2529
- pmaturure3University of Cape Town | University of Portsmouth
- ricardosmbr
- sergeykonovalovRingCentral
- sp4c3cow
- thiagogcostaUniversity of São Paulo (USP)
- victorfarrudaNTConsult - Agriness
- wilkersenaRecife - PE, Brazil
- Wilson3g@omiexperience
- wmfinamorewmfinamore