
Simple Project using Vue

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Technology stack


On the frontend folder , the application was built using Quasar Framework. Quasar is a ui library that was built on top of vuejs.


On the src folder, the backend Restful server was built using expressJS. The static asset is hosted inside the /src/public/spa.

The Objective.

  1. Answer all question inside the word. The answer can be find in HERE

  2. Second is to build simple Login and Register page The final result of the application was hosted in HERE

How to run the application

  1. Clone this repository git clone <url>
  2. For backend , run yarn install then yarn start
  3. For frontend , go to frontend section.

Frontend section

The frontend type is SinglePageApplication , so it need a server to run. Since the axios is hardcoded, no choice to build the application first replace the build folder on the backend static file src/public/spa

To run the application, first you need to have quasar cli.

or if you don't want to install it , you can use the binary of quasar inside the npx.

npx quasar build

  1. Navigate to cd frontend
  2. Run yarn install
  3. To open in dev server quasar dev or npx quasar dev
  4. To build , run quasar build or npx quasar build
  5. The build folder will be dist/public/spa
  6. Copy and replace at the backend static file for the api communication to work.

Quasar cli (Recommended)

yarn global add @quasar/cli