lighty-thumbnailer is a simple image thumbnailer can be used for any bot web- and desktop-based application (or any another application type). It was inspired by sorl-thumbnail (popul thumbnail library for Django), but has some additional
- Support cropping, resizing, different cropping and resizing strategies. It's more customizable library than sorl-thumbnail.
- Different image libraries support. Now only PIL engine available.
- Data storage support. Now just a local filesystem storage implemented.
- Different datastores support. Not just a Redis support available.
- Django integration: django file storage, django templatetags, django field class.
- Clean up get_datastore, get_storage, etc. classmethods from Base* classes if it's possible. Use get_instance from lighty.thumbnailer.util.InstanceForClass instead.
- Add image filter's support.
- Add shortcuts.
- Add additional datastores.
- Add additional image libraries (pg_magick, ImageMagick, another one?)
- More tests.
- More documentation.
- May be some another clean-ups, refactoring, optimizations and laziness.