
This project is built up using python language. The application [Password Locker] helps the user to signup,login,delete and also copy his/her credentials inside the app.

Primary LanguagePython



Grace Osswal


This project is built up using python language. The application [Password Locker] helps the user to signup,login,delete and also copy his/her credentials inside the app.


User Objectives

  • The user creates an account for the application(signup) or logs' into(login) to the application.
  • The user can also store the existing accounts details for various accounts that he/she has registered in..
  • ...Generates new password for an account that have not been registered for and stored into the account.
  • The user can also delete stored account details .
  • Credentials can also be copied in the clipboard.

Installation / Setup instruction

The application requires the following installations to operate

  • python3.8
  • pyperclip
  • pip3


  • Open Terminal {Ctrl+Alt+T}

  • git clone https://github.com/GraceOswal/Password-Locker.git

  • cd Password-Locker

  • code the project with your preferred text editor.

Run Application

  • To run the application, open the cloned file in terminal and run the following commands:

      chmod +x pwd.py
  • To run test for the application $ python3 passlock_test.py

Behaviour Driven Development

Behaviour Input Output
Open the application on the terminal Run the command $ ./pwd.py ...Welcome to Password Locker... CA --- Create New Account LI --- Get An Account
Select CA input username and password Hello username, Hooray! Your account has been created succesfully! Your password is: password
Select LI Enter your password and username you signed up with Abbreviations menu to help you navigate through the application
Store a new credential in the application Enter CC Enter Account, username, password...choose tp to enter your password or gp for the application to generate a password for you
Display all stored credentials Enter DC A list of all credentials that has been stored or You don't have any credentials saved yet
Find a stored credential based on account name Enter FC Enter the Account Name you want to search for and returns the account details
Delete an existing credential that you don't want anymore Enter Del Enter the account name of the Credentials you want to delete and returns true if the account has been deleted and false if the account doesn't exixt
Exit the application Enter EX The application exits

Technologies Used

  • python3.8

Known Bugs

  • No confirmed bugs

Contact Information

If you have any question or contributions, please email me at [grace.osswal@student.moringaschool.com]


  • MIT License:

  • Copyright (c) 2021 Oswal Grace