This a Ruby Linter Project. It flag the following errors in any ruby code:
- check Trailing white errors
- check empty line spaces
- check end of block
- check indentation
The 'bin' folder: This consist of the main.rb file. The main is the executable file that controls lint logic.
The 'lib' folder: This consists of two files which include: file_reading.rb: It consist of the class for reading through a file linters.rb: This class checks for mistakes within the code. Different methods are used to do this checks.
rspec Folder: This consist of the linters_spec.rb. It is primarily for writing unit tests to ensure all the methods pass
test.rb This short program is used to test our small linting program and see how it responds when a file is passed for error checks.
- Ruby
- Step 1: clone on your local machine
- Step 2: Specify the path to the file you want to check by changing the value of file_path in main.rb. Note: The ruby file will run only if the path given is correct
- Step 3: You have done step and step? Great! All you have to do now is to run this command bin/main.rb
- Install Rspec by typing gem install rspec in your terminal.
- The Rspec unit tests reside in linters_spec.rb file in the spec folder.
- To run the test cases, type rspec spec/linters_spec.rb in your terminal.
- You want to play around with the test cases? Be my guest in the spec/linters_spec.rb file
👤 Author
- GitHub: @githubhandle
- Twitter: @twitterhandle
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Micronauts
This project is MIT licensed.