
text mining

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


The repository has two parts of text mining tasks for analyzing educational publications in Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence.

The VR Notebook has run through papers published from 1944 to 2021 in order to gain insight into the development of researchers in relevant areas. The text data is mainly from rabbit search: the search criteria are the following: type in keywords: immersive education, immersive technology, VR, AR, so there were thousands of papers gained from the collection through the Rabbit search engine. The research removed repeated papers and delved into more details about the linguistic features of abstracts of papers.

In order to get to know the overall progress of AI-related research, I searched keywords, such as “Artificial Intelligence”, and “Education” and obtained a total of 50 publications from 1953 to 2021. Through using text mining on Python, I found that among the topics of AI in Education, researchers have shown interest in personalized adaptive learning, computer-assisted education, automatic question generation, STEM, and gamification.