This is a REST API project for server-side data processing using NodeJS as the main technology.

Technologies and ORMs Used:

  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS
  • MySQL
  • JWT

How to configure?

As a prerequisite, to use this API you need to have the NodeJS client installed in your workspace and/or development environment and a MySQL database.

Having all the tools installed, follow the steps below:

  1. Clone this project from my GitHub profile here;
  2. In your environment's console, navigate to the project's folder and run the npm install command to install the project's dependencies;

Install dependencies

  1. Edit the file .env.example putting in SECRET_KEY a strong key of your choice to validate the application users;


SECRET_KEY = ebM2Hy-fFmd4c-8fezu-EuFHMnQMFyfaTj2
  1. Still in the file .env.example put in CONNECTION_STRING the connection link to your MySQL database;


CONNECTION_STRING = mysql://user:password@localhost:3306/database_name
  1. Change the file name .env.example to .env;
  2. In your environment's console, execute the npm start command to start the application.

Application execution

Open http://localhost:3000 to see if it is working in your browser.