
Drag and drop a basic UI for your VR game. VRTK and SteamVR Plugin will be needed! (Can find these in Unity Asset Store)

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Drag and drop a basic UI for your VR game. VRTK and SteamVR Plugin will be needed! (Can find these in Unity Asset Store)


SimpleVRUI v0.46

  • Made README PDF easier to understand and bolded for skimming (YAY less reading)

SimpleVRUI v0.45 Release!


  1. Basic UI
    1. Main Menu (Start Game and Options Button w/ Title and Subtext)
    2. Options (Basic Sliders for Music and SFX. You will need to set up the mixer yourself)
    3. GameHUD (Pause Button)
    4. Pause Screen (Includes sliders from Option, Resume button, and return to main menu)


  • Physicality
  • Different Physical Interactions to use.
  • Swapping in and out interactions
  • Keeping it portable and no need for coding.(However Code is commented and clean for user modification if need be)
  • Making the system mostly standalone