
repo for the deep batch scheduler research

Primary LanguagePython


This repo includes the deep batch scheduler source code and necessary datasets to run the experiments/tests.

The code has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04/16.04 with Tensorflow 1.14 and SpinningUp 0.2. Newer version of Tensorflow (such as 2.x) does not work because of the new APIs. Windows 10 should be OK to run the code, only the installation of the dependencies (such as Gym environment and SpinningUp could be bumpy).


Citing RLScheduler

The relevant research paper has been published at SC20. If you reference or use RLScheduler in your research, please cite:

  title={RLScheduler: an automated HPC batch job scheduler using reinforcement learning},
  author={Zhang, Di and Dai, Dong and He, Youbiao and Bao, Forrest Sheng and Xie, Bing},
  booktitle={SC20: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis},


Required Software

  • Python 3.7
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3.7
  • OpenMPI
sudo apt-get install openmpi-bin openmpi-doc libopenmpi-dev
  • Virtualenv
sudo apt install python3.7-dev python3-pip
sudo pip3 install -U virtualenv
virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python3.7 ./venv
source ./venv/bin/activate  # sh, bash, ksh, or zsh
pip install --upgrade pip

Clone Deep Batch Scheduler

git clone https://github.com/DIR-LAB/deep-batch-scheduler.git

Install Dependencies

cd deep-batch-scheduler
pip install -r requirements.txt

File Structure

data/: Contains a series of workload and real-world traces.
cluster.py: Contains Machine and Cluster classes.
job.py: Contains Job and Workloads classed. 
compare-pick-jobs.py: Test training results and compare it with different policies.
HPCSimPickJobs.py: SchedGym Environment.
ppo-pick-jobs.py: Train RLScheduler using PPO algorithm.

To change the hyper-parameters, such as MAX_OBSV_SIZE or the trajectory length during training, you can change them in HPCSimPickJobs.py. You can also change to different neural networks (MLP and LeNet) in HPCSimPickJob.py.


To train a RL model based on a job trace, run this command:

python ppo-pick-jobs.py --workload "./data/lublin_256.swf" --exp_name your-exp-name --trajs 500 --seed 0

There are many other parameters in the source file.

  • --model, specify a saved trained model (for two-step training and re-training)
  • --pre_trained, specify whether this trainig will be a twp-step training or re-training
  • --score_type, specify which scheduling metrics you are optimizing for: [0]:bounded job slowdown;[1]: job waiting time; [2]: job response time; [3] system resource utilization.

Monitor Training

After running Default Training, a folder named logs/your-exp-name/ will be generated under ./data.

python spinningup/spinup/utils/plot.py ./data/logs/your-exp-name/

It will plot the training curve.

Test and Compare

After RLScheduler converges, you can test the result and compare it with different policies such as FCFS, SJF, WFP3, UNICEP, and F1.

python compare-pick-jobs.py --rlmodel "./data/logs/your-exp-name/your-exp-name_s0/" --workload "./data/lublin_256.swf" --len 2048 --iter 10

There are many parameters you can use:

  • --seed, the seed for random sampling
  • --iter, how many iterations for the testing
  • --backfil, enable/disable backfilling during the test
  • --score_type, specify the scheduling metrics. [0]:bounded job slowdown;[1]: job waiting time; [2]: job response time; [3] system resource utilization.

A Step-By-Step Example

Here, we give a step-by-step example to show the complete training/monitoring/testing workflow of RLScheduler.

  • Step 1: Train a model using Lublin_256 data trace and name the experiment as lublin256-seed0
python ppo-pick-jobs.py --workload "./data/lublin_256.swf" --exp_name lublin256-seed0 --trajs 500 --seed 0

In this experiment, we have seed=0, collect 500 trajectories in each epoch, and optimize average bounded slowdown.

  • Step 2: Monitor the training by checking the training curves
python plot.py ./data/logs/lublin256-seed0 -x Epoch -s 1

It will output something like this:

Lublin256 Training Curve

  • Step 3: Schedule 10 randomly sampled job sequence from the job trace
python compare-pick-jobs.py --rlmodel "./data/logs/lublin256-seed0/lublin256-seed0_s0/" --workload "./data/lublin_256.swf" --seed 1 --len 1024 --iter 10

In this scheduling case, we randomly select 10 job sequences using seed=1. It will output something like this for comparing different scheduling results:

Lublin256 Training Curve

We use the average to produce the performance tables in the paper.

Reproduce Results in Paper

We provide the script and several trained models to help reproduce the key results shown in the paper, particularly Table V and Table VI.

Results of Scheduling Towards average bounded slowdown

python make_table_script.py --score_type "bsld"
Without backfilling
Lublin-1 7273.77 19753.53 22274.74 277.35 258.37 254.67
SDSC-SP2 1727.54 3000.88 1848.45 2680.55 1232.06 466.44
HPC2N 297.18 426.99 609.77 157.71 118.01 117.01
Lublin-2 7842.47 9523.18 11265.31 787.89 698.34 724.51
With backfilling
Lublin-1 235.82 133.87 307.23 73.31 75.07 58.64
SDSC-SP2 1595.12 1083.12 548.01 2167.84 1098.22 397.82
HPC2N 127.38 97.39 175.12 122.04 71.95 86.14
Lublin-2 247.61 318.35 379.59 91.99 148.25 118.79

Results of Scheduling Towards resource utilization

python make_table_script.py --score_type "utilization"
Without backfilling
Lublin-1 0.657 0.747 0.691 0.762 0.816 0.714
SDSC-SP2 0.670 0.658 0.688 0.645 0.674 0.671
HPC2N 0.638 0.636 0.636 0.640 0.637 0.640
Lublin-2 0.404 0.543 0.510 0.562 0.478 0.562
With backfilling
Lublin-1 0.868 0.864 0.883 0.778 0.840 0.850
SDSC-SP2 0.682 0.681 0.706 0.661 0.677 0.707
HPC2N 0.639 0.637 0.638 0.641 0.638 0.642
Lublin-2 0.587 0.583 0.587 0.593 0.552 0.593


We put the code associated with fairness in these files: HPCEnvFair.py, rl-fair.py, compare-fair.py which are the counterparts of HPCSimPickJobs.py, ppo-pick-jobs.py, compare-pick-jobs.py. You can train, monitor and test similarly.