
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repository is intended to house packet and system message information for TERA. It is intended to be platform agnostic, with details on the file formats explained below.

The currently known open source parsers are:


TERA's network data follows a custom protocol. It is convenient to describe the order and meaning of each element in a "packet", which is done through a .def file under the definitions directory, and named after the opcode it belongs to.

Each line in the .def must consist of the following, in order:

  • An optional series of - for array and object definitions. These may be separated by spaces. To nest arrays or objects, just add another - to the front.
  • A field type. Valid types listed below.
  • At least one space.
  • The name of the field.

A # and anything after it on the line are treated as comments and will be ignored when parsing.

The formal grammar for this syntax is in the appendix at the end of this document.

The following simple field types are supported:

  • bool: A single byte that equals true for any non-zero value (and optionally warns for any value above 1).
  • byte
  • float
  • double
  • int16
  • int32
  • int64
  • uint16
  • uint32
  • uint64

The following complex field types are supported:

  • angle - signed 16-bit integer angle automatically transformed to radians
  • vec3 - 3D vector used for location. See tera-vec3.
  • vec3fa - Rotation Vec3 used for accessory transforms.
  • skillid - An abstract representation of packed 64-bit skill IDs (patch >= 74). Contains the following properties and methods:
    • npc (Boolean) Indicates an NPC skill
    • type (Number) 1 = Action, 2 = Reaction (CC, pull, etc.)
    • huntingZoneId (Number) secondary key for type 1 NPC skills
    • id (Number) Skill ID
    • reserved (Number) Reserved bits, typically unused
    • equals(skillId)
    • clone()
    • toString()
  • skillid32 - same as skillid, but 32-bit version for patch <= 73
  • customize - 64-bit basic character customization fields

There is one type that is not directly represented by the raw data and instead serves organizational purposes:

  • object: Any fields under this one should be collected into some sort of encapsulating object. For instance, location, angle, and character id for a targeted enemy can be under an object called "target".

There are also a few variable-length fields:

  • array: Almost like object, except there can be 0 or more that should be collected into an array.
  • array<simple type>, e.g. array<int32>: Array containing only a single field per entry.
  • bytes: A series of byte data.
  • string: String data, encoded as null-terminated UTF-16LE (in other words, a series of uint16 where the final value is 0).

Each of the variable-length fields has accompanying metadata. This field is determined implicitly if it is not specified (see the section below for the generation rules). In some cases, for example when a packet contains both strings and arrays, the metadata fields must be specified explicitly in order to properly serialize (write) the packet:

  • ref: Indicates the metadata accompanying the field of the same name. Its actual behavior and representation in the serialized packet is determined implicitly based on the referenced field's data type:
    • for array and array<>: uint16 count, uint16 offset of first element
    • for bytes: uint16 offset of bytes, uint16 number of bytes
    • for string: uint16 offset of string

More details on the original message format are below, while details on your language's or library's implementation of these types should be described in your library's documentation.

Message Format

TERA's networking encodes all data in little-endian.

There are a few fields which are implied because they are never omitted. Every packet begins with two fields:

  • uint16 length, which describes the byte length of the message, including this header.
  • uint16 opcode, which describes which kind of message this is. By looking up which name has this number in the mapping, you will know what the message is called.

Following these two fields are the metatypes for all variable length fields (ref).

Additionally, all array elements begin with two fields, which must not be specified in the definition, as they are to be handled implicitly:

  • uint16 here, which can be used to verify correctness. If this is the first element, the offset for the array should match this; otherwise, it should match the next for the previous element.
  • uint16 next, which points to the byte offset of the next element in the array, or zero if this is the final element.


Given the definition:

int32 number
array list
- int16 value

A message will be parsed as if it were:

uint16 (length)
uint16 (opcode)
ref    list # resolves to uint16 count, uint16 offset
int32  number
array  list
- uint16 (here)
- uint16 (next)
- int16  value


Protocol definitions contain version information in the filename: <NAME>.<VERSION>.def where <NAME> is an opcode name and <VERSION> is an integer starting from 1 and incrementing with each change.

When submitting changes, contributors must leave older versions untouched unless they are trivially backwards compatible. Instead, submit the changed definition as a new file with the version number incremented.


Feel free to submit pull requests! Please read the above notice in bold.