Galvanize Message

Read the entire README before beginning. Commit often.

Important Note

This is a timed assessment. You should be able to complete it in under 90 minutes. Remember to commit and push to your forked repository. At the very least, you should commit after each test passes. We will use the timestamps to evaluate how long it took.

Project Description

The app is a simple message board.


You are responsible for:

  • Forking and cloning this GitHub Repo.
  • Creating the test and development databases locally.
  • Creating the database migration.
  • Creating the database seed data.
  • Creating a CRUD RESTful API to handle messages resource.
  • Deployment of full stack app on Heroku.


We have provided tests to help you build the database migrations, seeds and routes. Use them. If you are unsure of what the test is asking for, open the test and read it. You can ask an instructor for test clarifications.

At the command line type npm test to run the tests.

TIP: When testing your migrations you may need to drop and recreate your database before running the test so that your migration changes are reflected in the database.

Messages Object

You need to create routes, seed data and migrations for the following object.

  message:'What Are You?',
  created_at: '2016-06-26T14:26:16.000Z',
  updated_at: '2016-06-26T14:26:16.000Z'

  message:'I\'m Batman',
  created_at: '2016-06-26T14:26:16.000Z',
  updated_at: '2016-06-26T14:26:16.000Z'
│                                          messages                                        │
│id           │serial                   │primary key                                       │
|name         │varchar(255)             │not null                                          │
|message      │varchar(255)             │not null                                          │
│created_at   │timestamp with time zone │not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP                │
│updated_at   │timestamp with time zone │not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP                │