Group Project to practice using vanilla JavaScript, external API calls and Express to make a C02 carbon footprint travel web app.


Week 9 of CodeClan Professional Development award involved a JavaScript group project for the CodeClan programming course.

Team Anonymous Squirrel consisted of

  • Thomas Gracie (TGracie)
  • Graham Stein (Graham-Stein)
  • Caroline Graves (DeuterGraves)
  • Kris Mac (krismac)

Using Agile Poker, we evaluated a range of proposed scenarios including a Game, a Carbon Tracker, an educational app or a stock tracker. We agreed that there was a opportunity for a carbon budget app driven by transport/route planning.

The website should take in some input, and display the breakdown of the data in a graph.

See it here: Code submission via Github repo

##Specification CodeClan instructors required that we establish a project to create an application in 4 days using core Javascript - no front-end frameworks or jQuery were allowed.

Our trello/kanban dynamically compared our MoSCoW requirements with our backlog/work breakdown status.


We self organised around 4 sprints, focusing on particular features and functionality within the days. The days were kicked off with a stand-up to support retrospective and re-planning and closed our day with a huddle and code remerges. We took turns in being Scrum Master each day and regularly took turns to drive.

Our first exercise involved a short burst of independent research followed by a brainstorming session to determine core functionality (MVP) and data sources/approaches. The remainder of sprint 1 involved agreeing user journey/requirements and work breakdown along with laying groundwork such as creating a workflow to support code management around Github.

Technology used

  • Javascript
  • Express

Life:Cycle Carbon Commute Planner

  • Making a small change & showing a difference
You have been approached by a lifestyle consultancy company dealing with environmental sustainability. Your task is to build a personal CO2 planner app to help users calculates the impact of their commute on their CO2 footprint. The consultancy are seeking to encourage more users to cycle by showing a view of their current impact and the impact alternative modes of transport. 


  • User entry of trips based on a daily commute.
  • Input your weeks travel or model an ideal week.
  • Compare your carbon footprint.
  • Plan a greener commute.

API, Libraries, Resources

Update history

  • v 0.1 MPV Release date 07/11/2018
  • v 0.2 Extensions Release 08/11/2018

Installing and running the app from Github

  • Clone the repository using git clone link
  • Install webpack using npm install webpack -g
  • Start the server using webpack (npm run build) from the root project folder
  • open index.html in the browser: open client/public/index.html

Learning points

  • Consolidate our learning of vanilla JavaScript
  • Pubsub
  • Using API's and data persistence.
  • Teamwork in self managing teams
  • Division of features
  • Diagraming
  • Refactoring
  • CSS

Submission & Presentation
