
Pluggable command line client for OpenShift.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

This package provides a pluggable command line client called powershift, for working with OpenShift. It acts as a wrapper around the oc command line client for OpenShift, providing an easier to use interface for using selected features of the oc client.

In particular, powershift provides a plugin which wraps the oc cluster up command, used for starting up a local OpenShift cluster using your local Docker service. This plugin builds on top of oc cluster up, to provide profiles, additional security, application persistence and provisioning for persistent volumes.

System Requirements

This package can be used on MacOS X, Windows and Linux.

The package requires the Python language interpreter to be available on your system. You need to have available Python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 or 3.6, and will need to have the Python package installer pip installed. It is also recommended that you have virtualenv available and use pipsi to install the package into an isolated Python virtual environment. The use of pipsi ensures that installing the package does not affect your system Python installation.

As the powershift client is a wrapper around oc, you need to have the oc program for the version of OpenShift you wish to use installed and available in your PATH. If you do not already have oc installed, the powershift client can help you with it's installation.

Versions of oc for OpenShift Origin, which powershift has been tested with are 1.3.2, 1.3.3 and 1.4.0. If using Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, you need to have a minimum of version 3.4.0 of the oc tool and your system must have access to the Red Hat registry associated with your Red Hat subscription.

Docker installation types which can be used are Docker for Mac, Docker for Windows or Docker running natively on Linux. You cannot use a Docker instance configured using docker-machine, or the older means of running Docker on MacOSX based on boot2docker.

Installing 'powershift'

It is recommend that you use pipsi to install powershift. This ensures that it and any Python packages it requires are installed into a self contained Python virtual environment and will not interfere with any other Python based applications installed on your system.

For the most up to date instructions on how to first install pipsi see:

The recommended way to install pipsi is to run:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mitsuhiko/pipsi/master/get-pipsi.py | python

This command will install pipsi and then output the directory which you should add to your PATH so that it and any script packages installed using pipsi can be found.

Once pipsi is installed and in your PATH, to install this package, along with currently available plugins, run:

pipsi install powershift-cli[all]

Additional plugins which are installed will be:

  • powershift-cluster - Adds command providing a layer around the oc cluster up command for running a local OpenShift instance with Docker. These make it easier to manage a local OpenShift cluster, including default support for application persistence across restarts, multiple profiles, added security, default persistent volumes, and tools for adding additional persistent volumes to the local OpenShift cluster.

If you are happy to install this package directly into your main Python installation or have an existing Python virtual environment, you can instead run:

pip install powershift-cli[all]

If necessary, run this as root using sudo, when installing into your system Python installation.

Additional Python packages installed by this package and current plugins are click and passlib.

Installing 'oc' client

If you have the oc program installed already, ensure it is installed somewhere on your default PATH.

If you do not yet have the oc program installed, you can install it using the powershift program.

As the first step run:

powershift client versions

This will list what versions of the oc program for OpenShift Origin the script knows about. You can then install one of these versions. For example:

powershift client install v1.4.0

The platform you are using will be automatically detected and the appropriate binary downloaded and installed. For Linux, only 64 bit platforms are supported using this command.

The output of this command will provide the directory you should then add to your PATH.

If you would rather have it install the oc program into an existing directory already in your PATH, you can instead use the --bindir option to specify the directory to install into. For example:

powershift client install v1.4.0 --bindir $HOME/bin

Command line help

Executing the command with no arguments will provide a list of the command groups available.

$ powershift
Usage: powershift [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  PowerShift client for OpenShift.

  This client provides additional functionality useful to users of the
  OpenShift platform. Base functionality is minimal, but can be extended by
  installing additional plugins.

  For more details see:


  --help  Show this message and exit.

  client      Install/update oc command line tool.
  completion  Output completion script for specified shell.
  console     Open a browser on the OpenShift web console.
  server      Displays the URL for the OpenShift cluster.
  session     Display information about current session.

This only shows command groups included with the base package. When you install additional plugins, the command groups they add will also be shown.

You can use the --help option with any command group or specific command to get additional details.

Bash shell completion

To enable bash completion, run powershift completion bash --help and follow the instructions.