
A self-organizing feature map which is trained on a random three-dimensional (RGB) input space.

Primary LanguageC++


A self-organizing feature map which is trained on a random three-dimensional (RGB) input space.


To compile you will need to first install the MinGW C++ compiler. Once you have done so, simply run the following command from a Bash command line:

g++ main.cpp -o SOFM.exe pixel.h  user-input.h -I CImg/ -lgdi32 -Wl,--stack,100000000

Learning Parameters

When executed, the program will prompt the user for:

  • The height of the SOFM
  • The width of the SOFM
  • The number of epochs to train the SOFM over
  • The neighbourhood radius for the SOFM update function
  • The learning rate

Input Space

The SOFM is trained on a three dimensional input space of pixels with randomized RGB values. Initially, the SOFM will look similar to the image below.


The output of the SOFM is saved to the "SOFM-TRAINED.bmp" file and will look similar to the following: