
tsv format notes utility

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



tnotes is a console notes manager that stores notes in tsv format. It might be useful for people who want do CRUD things to their notes in the terminal. By default tnotes creates /home/$USER/.config/tnotes/default.tsv for your notes you can provide different name by -f flag, then tnotes will work with ~/.config/tnotes/YOUR_FILE_NAME

(screenshot might be helpful)



$ tnotes new_idea -w "I need to make online poker site and be rich"
$ tnotes new_idea -w "it should have corrupt RNG as anywhere else"

$ tnotes new_idea -i
you're writing in /home/$USER/.config/tnotes/default.tsv,
enter empty line to end input
>this is way to write my ideas in several lines
>but result would be stored in one index

$ tnotes new_idea -is
you're writing in /home/$USER/.config/tnotes/default.tsv,
enter empty line to end input
>-is flag is similar to -i flag
>but every line has its own index

now we can see what we wrote under "new_idea" title:

$ tnotes new_idea
0 	I need to make online poker site and be rich
1 	it should have corrupt RNG as anywhere else
2 	this is way to write my ideas in several lines
	but result would be stored in one index
3 	-is flag is similar to -i flag
4 	but every line has its own index


#lets fix note at index 1
$ tnotes new_idea 1 -wr "RNG should be uncorrupt"
$ tnotes new_idea
0 	I need to make online poker site and be rich
1 	RNG should be uncorrupt
2 	this is way to write my ideas in several lines
	but result would be stored in one index
3 	-is flag is similar to -i flag
4 	but every line has its own index

# write new note
$ tnotes old_idea -is
you're writing in /home/$USER/.config/tnotes/default.tsv,
enter empty line to end input
>corrupt RNG
>buy socks

$ tnotes old_idea
0 	corrupt RNG
1 	buy socks

# replace the whole note
$ tnotes old_idea -wr "build shelters for homeless"
$ tnotes old_idea
0 	build shelters for homeless


# get notes of title new_idea with 2-3 indexes (incuding right index)
$ tnotes new_idea 2:3
2 	this is way to write my ideas in several lines
	but result would be stored in one index
3 	-is flag is similar to -i flag

# write new line to old_idea note containing word "idea"
$ tnotes old_idea -w "this is an old idea note"

# search for word "idea" in old_idea note with -s flag
# search of text is case insensitive, but titles have case sensitivity
$ tnotes old_idea -s idea
1 	this is an old idea note

# search for word "idea" in every note
$ tnotes -s idea
2 	this is way to write my ideas in several lines
	but result would be stored in one index
1 	this is an old idea note


    usage: tnotes [-h] [-f NOTES_FILE] [-w WRITE_MODE]
    [-wr REPLACE_MODE] [-i]
                [-is] [-d] [-l] [-s SEARCH]
                [title [title ...]]

    notes in tsv format

    positional arguments:
    title             title to write your notes;

    optional arguments:
    -h, --help        show this help message and exit
    -f NOTES_FILE     tsv file to store your notes; consider
                        difference in column titles
    -w WRITE_MODE     when given writes to file,
                     if given existing title - adds a note
    -wr REPLACE_MODE  replaces note text
    -i                when given uses promt to get input
                         from user to add a note
    -is               same as interactive mode but splits each line in
                    individual note line/index
    -d                deletes note with given title
    -l                lists all titles
    -s SEARCH         text to search in note with given title
                        or all notes if title was not given