A simple C program that sends a magic packet
You can use this program to wake up a PC over the network. It sends the so called magic packet to the network card of the target PC, instructing it to open the PC. [Download]
./WakeOnLAN <mac address>[ <broadcast address>][ <interface>]
The first parameter is the mac address of the target (usually your's network card's mac address). The second parameter is optional and defines the broadcast address to send the packet. The third parameter is optional and defines the source interface to send the packet from it (not for windows).
./WakeOnLAN 00:11:22:33:44:55 eth0
Platform | Links |
Windows | x86 |
Linux | x64 |
Raspberry Pi | arm |
For Linux you can compile the source using GCC
gcc WakeOnLAN.c -o WakeOnLAN
For Windows you can compile the source using MinGW
gcc WakeOnLAN.c -o WakeOnLAN.exe -lwsock32
GNU make can be used in order to compile the sources on Linux/Mac:
to clean everything:
make clean
CMake can also be used on Linux/Mac:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
For any problem you may open an issue
Also, you can send me a mail
This project is under The MIT license. I do although appreciate attribute.
Copyright (c) 2019 Grammatopoulos Athanasios-Vasileios