
Please note: These are just some generic guidelines to workflow, remember to communicate with your team as you work to prevent any issues or if you have any questions.


Checkout this interactive guide to get an idea of the workflow, nevermind the details.

Identify the Feature

Identify the feature that you want to begin working on.

Pull master updates

Pull the latest updates on your local repo, make sure you keep master current.

git checkout master
git pull origin master

Create a Feature Branch

Make sure you are on master, we want to branch from a stable state.

git checkout master

Create a Feature Branch with a well formatted branch name:

git checkout -b shortFeatureName

Then push it to the remote, so we know you're working on it

git push origin shortFeatureName

Work on the Feature Branch

Write your code and commit often (anytime you change something or write something significant)

git add -A
git commit -m 'Useful commit message'

Keep Feature Branch up-to-date with master

As you work periodically, after you know of changes to master or when your feature is complete -

Use git pull to pull the changes made to master and merge them into your current working branch:

git pull origin master

Alternatively, fetch the remote master and rebase your Feature Branch to those changes:

git fetch origin master
git rebase origin/master

Either way, there may be merge conflicts that arise. If this happens you will need to resolve the conflicts:

git mergetool

If you don't want to have to deal with this, message in the programming slack to let us known you need help resolving a merge conflict.

Push Your Feature Branch

After some commits, it may be a good idea to upload your code to the online repo, so everyone else can see what you've worked on: git push origin shortFeatureName

Create a Pull Request

When you've completed your changes, you'll want to submit a Pull Request to let us know it's ready to be merged.

On GitHub, navigate to your feature branch and create a Pull Request to the master branch.

See this guide for more detailed instructions

Peer Review Pull Request

Review code and suggest fixes, each member must approve the code before approving.

  • Fixes would be made locally on the feature branch and then the updates pushed with
git push origin shortFeatureName
  • This will automatically update the pull request

Approve Pull Request

After each team member has approved your feature we will pull your code to the master branch for integration testing. As better tests are developed, this process will be streamlined, but for now we will have one person incharge of integrating changes.

Delete Feature Branch (Optional)

You can do this immediately after it is merged into master to keep the repo tidy, but you may also choose to wait until later

  • Locally - Using git branch -d shortFeatureName
  • On GitHub - Using the option on the Pull Request

Code and Style


A good C++ style to refer to: Google C++ style