
This mod that adds an extra NPC (Sandra) in a very interesting way. It also acts as a template for those who wish to install a NPC in a new and interesting way. Currently, Sandra has dialogue for joining and leaving, some very interesting banter dialog that might result in some special circumstances, a special surprise for Imoen, and a few Interjections done.

Primary LanguageDTrace

Latest Release GitHub (Pre-)Release Date Platform Language

Supported games

Summon Bhaalspawn (Sandra NPC)

A TeamBG mod for Baldur's Gate II: SoA and ToB (original and EE games),
Baldur's Gate Trilogy and EET

Author: MajorTomSawyer
Mod Forum: Summon Bhaalspawn

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This mod that adds an extra NPC (Sandra) in a very interesting way. It also acts as a template for those who wish to install a NPC in a new and interesting way. Currently, Sandra has dialogue for joining and leaving, some very interesting banter dialog that might result in some special circumstances, a special surprise for Imoen, and a few Interjections done.

Versions History

Version 4  (December 25, 2021)
  • Moved sbs.tp2 to mod top folder to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
  • Externalized tp2 code into main_component.tpa library for more comfortable readability and maintenance.
  • Commented code as much as possible.
  • Grouped portraits installations into four main SUBCOMPONENTS.
  • Modernized dialogues coding.
  • Replaced bcs files with baf files.
  • Spells installation: removed useless SAY NAME2 patch.
  • Integrated BWP Lollorian's portrait installation fix that restores three missing installation English strref.
  • Proofread English and French translations (Gwendolyne).
  • Moved unused wav files into new 📁 "legacy" folder.
  • Lower cased files.
  • Added archive libiconv-1.9.2-1-src.7z with iconv license info.
  • Updated WeiDU installer to v249.

Version 3  (March 21, 2010)
  • Readme overhauled.
  • Added the Sophitia sound set from the Soul Calibur games. - I hate silent NPCs.
  • Added additional portrait choices.
  • Added portraits for the two non-joinable NPCs.
  • Removed unneeded files and removed file extensions that were causing the mod not to install properly.
  • Organised all files into folders.
  • Overhauled .tp2 to make it more readable.

Version 2
  • Mod TRAified and Spanish translation added by Lisandro of Clandlan!

Version 1.1
  • Windows version packaged by MTS. (Thanks CamDawg for the how-to!).

Version 1
  • Initial release.
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