
Conversion of and to .Pgf not working

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$ make AppGer.pgf
mkdir -p ./gfos && gf -s -make -literal=PN,Symb -probs=./app.probs -gfo-dir ./gfos -name=AppGer
gf: out of memory (requested 1048576 bytes)
Makefile:61: recipe for target 'AppGer.pgf' failed
make: *** [AppGer.pgf] Error 251

when trying to convert and to .Pgf,i am getting out of memory error.kindly need help for the same.Any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Thanks for the reply.
Where exactly do we need memory?is it OS ram you are talking about?And if yes, how much ram do we need?i am having 16GB RAM.
Is it possible that you can compile both files to .pgf and post out here for me please.
could you suggest me any alternative,so that i can get App.pgf that includes grammar definition for all 17 languages.My ultimate goal here is to get AppLang_c for all 17 languages.E.g: AppEng.pgf_c,AppGer.pgf_c,AppFre.pgf_c,etc...

@nitro91 Can you try giving +RTS -K100M -RTS as an argument to gf? Or try a bigger amount of memory if 100M is not enough.

The whole command is this:
mkdir -p ./gfos && gf +RTS -K100M -RTS -s -make -literal=PN,Symb -probs=./app.probs -gfo-dir ./gfos -name=AppGer

Thank you all for your replies.Now i got AppGer.pgf file but still no luck with AppFre.pgf. I got AppGer.pgf by editing the make file with the below code:
AppGer.pgf:: ; $(GFMKT) -name=AppGer +RTS -K100M.
but when tried the same with, it says out of memory.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks again.

@nitro91 Try more than 100M of memory, for instance 500M.
If it doesn't work, I can try myself and upload a compiled AppFre.pgf (if I manage to compile it) later today.

Did anyone managed to get AppFre.pgf? or is there any alternative to get App.pgf consisting of all 17 language's grammar?

Thanks. How did you managed to get AppFre.pgf file.Which configuration did you used ? Why Iam asking this is we are not getting it correctly.The same error is arising again(Out of memory).

os -name=AppFre +RTS -K500M
gf: out of memory (requested 1048576 bytes)
Makefile:64: recipe for target 'AppFre.pgf' failed
make: *** [AppFre.pgf] Error 251

@nitro91 I actually just found that PGF on the server, I suppose it was compiled on that same machine.

Did you try what Krasimir suggested? "Sometimes French fails to compile but then if I run the make file once more it succeeds. I guess that with the given memory the compiler manages to do part of the compilation and the output is stored in the .gfo files. On the second run it does the rest."