
Differences in morphological analysis between Haskell/C runtimes

johnjcamilleri opened this issue · 4 comments

Haskell shell:

$ gf ../contrib/foods/Foods.pgf
Languages: FoodsEng
Foods> ma -lang=Eng "is"
Pred : s

0 msec

C shell:

$ gf -cshell ../contrib/foods/Foods.pgf
Languages: FoodsEng
Foods> ma -lang=Eng "is"

0 msec

Ok. Could this be turned into an optional flag?

In general, there is a lack of documentation about such things. It's great that you can always answer, but not a good use of your time. Do you think the runtime-api.html document is still the best place for these things? It seems a little outdated...

Fair enough, thanks for the explanation.

Actually by "outdated" I meant "hasn't been updated in a while", but if it's still accurate then that's great. Perhaps I'll update it with a section of differences between the Haskell and C runtimes, such as this. Another obvious one is the handling of predef tokens (SOFT_BIND etc).