
Chef cookbook to set node's hostname and FQDN.

Primary LanguageRuby


Sets hostname and FQDN of the node.


set_fqdn - FQDN to set.

The asterisk character will be replaced with node.name. This way, you can add to base role this:

default_attributes :set_fqdn => '*.project-domain.com'

and have node set its FQDN and hostname based on its chef node name (which is provided on chef-client first run's command line).



Will set node's FQDN to value of set_fqdn attribute, and hostname to its host part (up to first dot).


hostname::vmware recipe sets hostname automatically using vmtoolsd. You do not need to set node["set_fqdn"].

The latest code is hosted at https://github.com/3ofcoins/chef-cookbook-hostname