
Dofus2 protocol generation from JSON protocol

Primary LanguagePHP



  • composer
  • php >= 7.3


git clone ... folder
cd folder
composer install


php ProtocolGenerator.php protocolFilePath.json


You have the configuration.php inside the configuration directory, you can change:

OUTPUT_FOLDER: containing the future generated protocol
LANGUAGE_EXTENSION: extension of each protocol file
BASIC_TYPE_MAPPER: to override AS basic types
WRITE_TYPE_MAPPER: to map each type depedending on the protocol write method
WRITE_METHOD_OVERRIDE: to override protocol write methods names (example: writeUnsignedInt -> writeUInt)
READ_METHOD_MAPPER: to map each reading method depending on the writing one

And also add filters before generation, defined like this:

Simple filter:

GenerationHook::addFilter(function (object $object, string $groupName): bool {
    // $object will be ClassType (for messages and types) or EnumerationType
    // $groupName will be `enumerations`, `types` or `messages`

    // Your code here...
    // Return false if you don't want the current object to be generated
    return true;

Global filter:

GenerationHook::addFilter(function (array &$objects, string $groupName): void {
    // $objects will be an array of ClassType or EnumerationType
    // It is also a reference so you can update the array $objects directly to affect the generation
    // $groupName will be `enumerations`, `types` or `messages`

    // Your code here...
}, true);


You have defaults templates for C# in the templates folder, you can edit them if needed for ANY language. Each template will have a class parameter given containing all necessary members.

For enumeration template:

  • class.name (string)
  • class.type (string)
  • class.members (array)

For message and type template:

  • class.name (string)

  • class.type (string)

  • class.parent (object or null)

  • class.children (array)

  • class.namespace (string)

  • class.fields (array)

    • Field type

    • name (string)
    • type (string)
    • lengthType (string or null)
    • isVector (bool)
    • isObjectType (bool)
    • value (string or null)
    • bounds (array containing 'min' and 'max' indexes)
    • position (int)
    • constantLength (int)
    • writeMethod (string or null)
    • readMethod (string or null)
    • lengthWriteMethod (string or null)
    • lengthReadMethod (string or null)
    • typeIdWriteMethod (string or null)
    • typeIdReadMethod (string or null)
    • useBooleanByteWrapper (bool)
    • booleanByteWrapperPosition (int)
    • needTypeIdDefinition (bool)
  • class.hasVectorDependency (bool)

  • class.hasTypeDependency (bool)

  • class.hasEnumerationDependency (bool)

  • class.typeDependencies (array)

  • class.enumerationDependencies (array)

  • class.serializeParent (bool)

  • class.forceOverride (bool)

  • class.isVirtual (bool)

  • class.isOverriding (bool)