Use Raspberry Pi to connect via usb to Arduino with Grove Shield and Grove GPS sensor
Arduino Uno with Grove - Temerature/Barometer & GPS sensor attached
Grove GPS writes via SoftSerial lib
screen /dev/ttyACM0 9600
The line starting with $GPGGA
annotated above has the NMEA data that provides
the longitude and latitude and altitude data that is interesting to us.
Arduino talks to pi via usb lines 40 to 44 gets GPS and location information via the python library pynmea
( $todo: add grab Temp, Humidity and Accelerometer data ... )
You will need to signup for Mapquest Developer account and get an API key
export MAPQUEST_KEY=hw26Ajxxxxxxxxxxx
in python3 code
it will call
Mapquest get url to,-73.98259166666666&includeRoadMetadata=true&includeNearestIntersection=true
and returns something similar to
'nearestIntersection': { 'distanceMeters': '151.78865',
'label': 'E '
'11th '
'St '
'& '
'Avenue '
'latLng': { 'latitude': 41.72785,
'longitude': -73.982223},
'streetDisplayName': 'Avenue '
'postalCode': '10009-4XXX',
'sideOfStreet': 'L'
convert grove gps data to meanigful information
National Marine Electronics (NMEA) Standard