Cloud Data Architect - passionate about Data, Automation and Cloud Native; Proven track record of building systems in the spirit of the Agile Manifesto
AgentIdeaNew York
Grant-Steinfeld's Followers
- airtongomeslimaSao Paulo - Brazil
- alejandro-castano
- andrewm-boseBrooklyn, NY
- barkzPure Storage, Inc.
- humayunah
- ibmi-effinsoftware
- jbarrettsteinerdomomi
- KhaiSoe
- klingl12
- korivernonMorgan Stanley
- loafyloafIBM
- mgryglesCallibrity
- naisoflySurrealDB
- omer-atalay
- patb23Skillman, NJ
- pdubost
- PhoenixRobot
- pikvikATGlobal inc.
- RuinedSubmartingale
- skylinemarketingSkyline Technologies
- timothymayorLagos, Nigeria