
Testing Library to Help You Verify Whether You're IOC Container Has Properly Resolved the Dependencies

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Testing Library to Help You Verify Whether You're IOC Container Has Properly Resolved the Dependencies

The adorable Slowpoke

What is this?

Slowpoke is a framework that is used to test whether you're dependencies are resolved with your IOC container. Often times when using an IOC container it's impossible to see whether you've properly set up everything correctly until you actually run the system.

What Slowpoke is looking to do is provide a toolset for aiding in the testing of the dependency resolution so that developers do get suprised when they add a new dependency to the system.

What Frameworks are Currently Supported?

Currently, the IOC containers I'm looking to support are:

Getting Started


// Set up the dependencies in Autofac
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
var container = builder.Build();

// Test the depedency resolution with Slowpoke
var slowpoke = new AutofacResolver();
slowpoke.Resolve(typeof(IMath), container);


// Set up the dependencies in Ninject
IKernel kernel = new StandardKernel();

// Test the depedency resolution with Slowpoke
ISlowpoke<IKernel> slowpoke = new NinjectResolver();
slowpoke.Resolve(typeof(IMath), kernel);

Simple Injector

// Set up the dependencies in SimpleInjector
var container = new Container();
container.Register<IMath, Math>();

// Test the depedency resolution with Slowpoke
ISlowpoke<Container> resolver = new SimpleInjectorResolver();
resolver.Resolve(typeof(IMath), container);