Phase 3 Project


  1. Access a Sqlite3 database using Active Record.
  2. You should have a minimum of two models with a one to many relationship.
  3. You should build out a simple React frontend that incorporates at least one GET request and one non-GET request (POST, PATCH, DELETE). Example: A user should be able to build out a todo list. A user should be able to create a new task, see all the tasks, update a specific task and delete a task. Tasks can be grouped into many categories, so a task has many categories and categories have many tasks.
  4. Use good OO design patterns. You should have separate classes for your models and incorporate instance and class method.

Getting Started

Clone down this Sinatra repository.

First, cd into the the cloned repo and run bundle install in your backend folder to install your gems.

The app/controllers/application_controller.rb is going to be the place where you write your controller methods to handle any incoming request to your Sinatra API.

Start your server with:


Note: This will run your server on port http://localhost:9393. shotgun is a ruby gem that will automatically reload your Sinatra server. You may still need to refresh your browser to see changes.

Your backend and your frontend should be in two different repositories. Create a new repository in a separate folder with a React app for your frontend using create-react-app.

Fetch Example

Your React app should make fetch requests to your Sinatra backend! Here's an example:

  .then((res) => res.json())