
6502 emulator written in Rust

Primary LanguageRust


In order to learn Rust, I've been working on a 6502 emulator. Currently it works well enough to run WozMon, but that's about it.


  • Emulates 6502 and 65c02 op codes
  • Includes code for WozMon and Apple BASIC
  • Makes use of a crate that provides basic terminal emulation (so it can read keypresses for the emulated systems)
  • When launched, it starts WozMon at FF00.
  • You can launch Apple BASIC (which doesn't yet work) by entering E000R.
  • You can launch the Apple Demo (Thanks, Neil!) with 280R. You'll need to adjust the width of the terminal.
  • ESC or other keys such as cursor keys will stop it running


  • Apple BASIC starts, but quickly goes horribly wrong
  • Doesn't support SBC in Decimal mode properly just yet
  • I've tested the opcodes a lot, but there's probably an error or ten still there.


  • Install Rust on your system
  • Download the repo
  • You should be able to run it with cargo run (it'll download a few other things the first time it's launched)
  • Enter something like 00.FF to see that WozMon is running
  • Press ESC to stop