Hey! I'm studying for be a highlight in Data Science. I love philosophy and think out of the box. You can count on me to solve problems and creative solutions.
SP, Brazil
GrapeJordison's Following
- danielprazeresBuenos Aires, Argentina
- SakshiiiRathodMumbai, Maharashtra, India
- kbruneto
- brunopiatoSão Paulo - Brazil
- llSourcellSan Francisco, CA
- deeplizard
- PedroFerraresiItapeva/SP
- datalivreMG - Brazil
- zakariachowdhuryTX, USA
- carpentries-incubator
- luisamuzzi
- ChristianoDS
- Matheus-Dias-G
- papodedsMinas Gerais, Brasil
- MPCruz89
- gabrielmartini1MX Negócios Digitais
- meigaromcds
- meigaromds
- MeigaromComunidade DS
- kamranahmedseUnited Kingdom
- LucasRAGS
- lucasmontanoDisney Streaming Services
- elia@nebulab
- mojombo@chatterbugapp, @redwoodjs, @preston-werner-ventures
- matttPortland, OR
- trustthevoteOSET Institute, Inc.
- akitaonrailsCodeminer 42
- HyconBot@HyconOs
- orenyodfat