- 4
Adding more formats to GrB_Format
#83 opened by rayegun - 5
#82 opened by rayegun - 4
Release of v2.1 C API pdf
#81 opened by DrTimothyAldenDavis - 2
incorrect description of GrB_COMP_STRUCTURE in list of changes in appendices.tex
#80 opened by DrTimothyAldenDavis - 2
- 3
named and defined operators and types
#32 opened by DrTimothyAldenDavis - 10
- 3
query a matrix, vector, or scalar if GrB_wait will do anything to it
#75 opened by DrTimothyAldenDavis - 0
empty matrices and vectors
#58 opened by DrTimothyAldenDavis - 9
- 1
- 4
MIN_ONEB semiring
#76 opened by eriknw - 1
- 0
#47 opened by DrTimothyAldenDavis - 0
GrB_PANIC is extreme; we need another error code (issue for v2.1 spec)
#64 opened by DrTimothyAldenDavis - 8
Remove C scalars
#70 opened by jim22k - 8
GxB_Context is essential: telling each GrB* method/operation which/how many OpenMP threads and GPU(s) to use
#74 opened by DrTimothyAldenDavis - 3
Allow broadcasting in ewise operations
#72 opened by rayegun - 9
Extended semantics for Matrix_Dup and Vector_Dup
#71 opened by manoj63 - 3
Specification bug in Matrix_diag
#69 opened by pcostanza - 2
- 0
Missing binary boolean operators
#68 opened by DrTimothyAldenDavis - 2
- 1
GrB_Matrix_deserialize: suggest adding "const" to "void * serialized_data".
#65 opened by DrTimothyAldenDavis - 3
- 23
TRIL, TRIU, DIAG, OFFDIAG, ROWLE, ROWGT, COLLE, and COLGT: only need _INT64 versions
#45 opened by DrTimothyAldenDavis - 14
Array sizes in GrB_Matrix_export
#60 opened by mcmillan03 - 3
- 3
- 17
- 9
#34 opened by DrTimothyAldenDavis - 10
export of a matrix in full format when entries are missing: should be an error
#42 opened by DrTimothyAldenDavis - 1
- 12
- 7
- 2
Remove deprecated GrB_SCMP
#51 opened by mcmillan03 - 2
- 3
domain compatible casting?
#55 opened by tgmattso - 2
Two paragraphs don't make sense
#56 opened by tgmattso - 3
State of input arguments after PANIC (answer Scott's question about guarantees in Section 2.4 on Error Models)
#57 opened by tgmattso - 7
- 10
"conformant" library not well defined
#53 opened by DrTimothyAldenDavis - 12
- 2
- 4
#35 opened by DrTimothyAldenDavis - 2
TRIL and TRIU are off-by-one when compared to the MATLAB functions of the same name
#40 opened by DrTimothyAldenDavis - 4
GrB_Matrix_serialize / deserialize
#37 opened by DrTimothyAldenDavis - 2
#43 opened by DrTimothyAldenDavis - 3
ROWINDEX and COLINDEX operators when used in GrB_select feel backwards
#39 opened by DrTimothyAldenDavis - 1