
TypeScript SDK for GraphMetrics

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


npm Continuous Integration License

This is the Javascript/TypeScript SDK for GraphMetrics.


  • Apollo: yarn add @graphmetrics/apollo / npm install @graphmetrics/apollo --save


We provide middlewares that are easily to plug in your server. If your server is not currently supported, please open an issue so we can fix that.


See full example

import { GraphMetrics, logging } from '@graphmetrics/apollo';
import { createContext, Context } from './context';

const metrics = GraphMetrics<Context>({
  apiKey: 'some_key',
  serverVersion: '0.1.0',
  logger: logging.fromWinston(logger),
  // clientExtractor: (ctx) => { ... }

const apollo = new ApolloServer({
  context: createContext,
  plugins: [metrics],

⚠️ Stopping of server

By default Apollo Server handles signals to properly shutdown, but we found that it is not well implemented for versions before 2.21.2. To avoid losing the last datapoint when doing a server rollout, we highly suggest to do the following:

const apollo = new ApolloServer({
  stopOnTerminationSignals: false,

const signals: NodeJS.Signals[] = ['SIGINT', 'SIGTERM'];
signals.forEach((signal) => {
  const handler: NodeJS.SignalsListener = async () => {
    await apollo.stop();
  process.on(signal, handler);


The SDK needs a few elements to be properly configured.

  • apiKey: Environment api key
  • serverVersion: (Optional) Version of the server (catch regressions between releases)
  • clientExtractor: (Optional) Function that retrieves the client details from the context (differentiate queries coming from different clients)
  • logger: (Optional) Structured logger, console.log is used if not provided. Adapters are provided for popular loggers in logging.

Client extractor

  • Client extractor fetches the client details from the context
  • Override the function to set a custom name and version
  • Default behaviour differs per integration:
    • Apollo: Uses the Apollo client default headers
    • Others: No details are fetched

Please let us know if you would like to see other clients supported by default


  • Jest: Since we use a setInterval internally, jest will complain that tests don't finish cleanly. We suggest not instantiating the plugin during tests.