
Neo4j Slack Integration Demo

Primary LanguagePython

Neo4j Slack Integration

Small Python server to integrate Slack with Neo4j the open source graph database.

graph things

First steps are to import users and channels and list them and run queries in our Neo4j query language Cypher on top of that data.



git clone http://github.com/neo4j-examples/slack-neo4j

pip install -r requirements.txt

export NEO4J_URL=http://localhost:7474
export SLACK_TOKEN=xop-34987294-23423-324
export TEAM_TOKEN=fVowo4UQVpajf394802fakj
python app.py 8001

curl http://localhost:8001
curl -XPOST http://localhost:8001/slack

Push to Heroku

The application already contains a Procfile for Heroku to run with the port provided. You can use a Neo4j instance on GrapheneDB or GraphStory for your experiments.

git clone http://github.com/neo4j-examples/slack-neo4j
heroku apps:create my-slack-neo4j
git remote add heroku https://git.heroku.com/my-slack-neo4j.git

heroku config:set NEO4J_URL=http://server:port
heroku config:set NEO4J_URL=http://localhost:7474
heroku config:set TEAM_TOKEN=fVowo4UQVpajf394802fakj

git push heroku master

Integration with Slack

Configure a /graph slash command that interacts with your server, e.g. http://my-slack-neo4j.herokuapp.com/slack

Setup a Slack-API token and note it down and configure it as SLACK_TOKEN to retrieve data from slack.

Note down the team token and configure it with your app as TEAM_TOKEN

Add infos for these commands

  • list overview

  • [import] …​ Import Users and Channels into Neo4j

  • [cypher] query …​ Run Cypher query

Implementation Notes

Howto Integrate Slash commants https://api.slack.com/slash-commands They POST a payload to our /slack endpoint like this

text=cypher match (u:User) return u.name

Idea: dispatch on first word as command:

  • nothing → list statistics

  • cypher query → run cypher query and return results (todo only allow read-only queries)

  • import → import users and channels idempotently