GrapheneOS/AttestationServer remote attestation server. Server code for use with the Auditor app: It provides two services: submission of attestation data samples and a remote attestation implementation with email alerts to go along with the local implementation based on QR code scanning in the app.
- 0x9060
- 13521900025
- 5c00byLawrenceville, Ga, USA
- aarondancerHouston, Texas
- anezjonathanJonathan Anez
- beerisgoodGermany
- Castlenine@dux-reserve
- cesarandreuCalifornia
- ch996
- DejunLiu
- dpsmithApertus Solutions, LLC
- eave
- edwardxieChina
- flawedworld
- futureimperfect@cruise-automation
- gauravssnllocalhost
- haoranw96Atlanta, GA
- Jean-Cote
- johannesforks
- jsprflynn
- klaus-maria
- mik0h
- MikeHathawayMAH Consulting LLC
- netjoeusa
- petethomasKapWork
- quantumpacketsomeone
- reedhhw
- roddhjavDublin, Ireland
- Rosch94it2easy
- SailReal@skymatic @cryptomator
- T0mack
- Thespartann
- thestinger@GrapheneOS
- tyauvilDenver, CO
- vulcangz
- yzernik