
Generic graph (analysis) library in Typescript

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


0.8.5 - gulp updated to 4.0, re-worked gulpfile.js, webpack now only producing minified version (production settings)

Graphinius JS

Generic graph (analysis) library in Typescript

Running tests

In order to run the tests, you need an external "Simd-Handler" - any object that implements a certain interface, which currently is:

export interface NumericHandler {
	tensor2d: Function;
	matMul: Function;

The best way to achieve this for now is to install a respective module globally, e.g.

npm i -g @tensorflow/tfjs-node

and then link it locally via

npm link @tensorflow/tfjs-node

Generate Documentation


just execute the command in a bash within the root folder - the configuration in tsconfig.js should automatically be loaded


GraphiniusJS is integrated in our current GraphiniusVIS Demo Site.

Execute the following lines of code in succession to arrive at a simple degree distribution:

Simple Degree Distribution

Then reproduce the code given below to visualize a first graph:

First graph visualization

You can execute a BFS algorithm starting at a random node, then explore the resulting data structure by following this example:

BFS Color Map

In the above code, the BFS coloring does not necessarily correspond to the BFS result computed in line 3. Colors run from green (start node) to red (most distant node).

You can configure the JSON graph loader for directed mode first:

// ignore explicit direction as specified by file content
jsonReader._explicit_direction = false;
// interpret all edges as directed instead
jsonReader._direction = true;

Then execute the following lines of code to obtain a (random) DFS segmentation:

DFS Color Map



@describe we check for duplicate edges on a graph level, but not on a node level

  • when systematically (batch) instantiationg from an input source, our input classes check for duplicate edges
  • when programmatically building a graph manually, the graph class will reject duplicates, whereas the node classes used internally will not -> don't use .addEdge...() manually!