
Repo to demonstrate how to use TOR with python.

Primary LanguagePython

Make TOR request with python

The goal if this repo is to document how to use TOR with python3.


You need Python 3. Install python3 dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

You need to install and enable TOR server.

sudo apt install tor
sudo service tor start

Then you need to activate the Tor Controler to be able to change ip on the fly. First, create a password with:

tor --hash-password "YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE"

This should output something like: 16:E4E6B5F4E2B463F760A142078FE671D6FA2B522649E9420E830C36C895.

Keep that we will need it in the next step.

sudo vim /etc/tor/torrc

Change those 2 lines:

ControlPort 9051
# Change the value with the output of previous step.
HashedControlPassword 16:E4E6B5F4E2B463F760A142078FE671D6FA2B522649E9420E830C36C895

Then restart TOR:

sudo service tor restart


Without Docker

You can see a documented simple python usage of it in simple.py. In this version, your IP won't change once fixed.

You can see a documented example with ip renew each request in ip_renew.py.

With Docker

You can also use docker to do that.

First change the TOR password in the Docker file. Use the output of: tor --hash-password "your password here"

ENV TOR_PASSWORD="16:6710B9B3468CA479608B0F46A6AF973EF7009ECD1698BD79F39283E2C4"

Then build the image and run the container.

docker build -t python_tor .;
docker run -t python_tor;

Tor python module

If you would like to use this module in your own project, you can use the Tor class from the tor_module.py file.

from tor_module import Tor

tor = Tor()

# Do your request like this
response = tor.get_request("https://api.ipify.org?format=json").text

# Renew your ip like this
response = tor.get_request("https://api.ipify.org?format=json").text

# Check your ip like this
ip = tor.get_ip()
