- 5
- 4
Crashes when loading examples or local files
#45 opened by Junhua9981 - 1
Unable to install grapycal in python venv
#44 opened by HanYuanHsu - 3
Control as Input Port
#36 opened by secminhr - 1
drop-down list in Nodes
#39 opened by weihsinyeh - 0
Bug : Some nodes written in extensions cannot be loaded into the browser's "Node List."
#40 opened by weihsinyeh - 0
- 3
Control as default input
#35 opened by secminhr - 7
Editor: In-Node Editor
#32 opened by eri24816 - 2
- 1
Enable pasting images onto an image control
#9 opened by eri24816 - 1
Make left and right panel collapseable
#10 opened by eri24816 - 2
TODO: Selection
#1 opened by eri24816 - 0
Bug: SVG path graphics have unwanted shift when the browser's zoom scale is not integer
#2 opened by eri24816